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Attempts at Invading Machine Learning Systems - 2021

Attempts at Invading Machine Learning Systems, video #1, 2022


Ce travail à été exposé dans le cadre du mémoire de recherche de Guillaume Saur, intitulé Generating Conversational Data: Attempts at Invading Machine Learning Systems in a World Made of Artifices. Cette thèse de maitrise étudie principalement l'instrumentalisation et la monétisation des données biométriques, ainsi que le potentiel pour les systèmes d'apprentissage automatique d'imaginer des futurs non dystopiques.

Attempts at Invading Machine Learning Systems, prototype masks, tablets, Emily Carr University 2021


This work was exhibited in the context of Guillaume Saur’s Master thesis research, entitled Generating Conversational Data: Attempts at Invading Machine Learning Systems in a World Made of Artifices, which primarily investigates the instrumentalization and monetization of biometrics, as well as the potential for machine learning systems to imagine non-dystopian futures.

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